Our Generation and Rape Culture


Kayla Compton, Staff Reporter

Is this generation exposed to rape culture? Not only girls, but boys as well suffer from stereotypes and can easily be molded by someone else. If a girl is open about her promiscuity or how sexually active she is, she’s automatically called one of three things: slut, whore, or “thot”. So commonly today, and truly how it has been for many decades, a boy can be as sexually active as he pleases and be rewarded by guys, but if a girl were to take forth the same actions she would be shamed by both girls and boys. Often we see rape as a touchy subject that not many people like to bring up or discuss as a regular topic. Today rape is often talked about a lot in TV, books, and movies, but it’s as if it’s unavoidable in any debate. Often the victim is blamed for rape with accusations such as, “she shouldn’t have been wearing a short skirt”, “shouldn’t have been drunk”, or “should’ve never walked alone”. No means no and rape jokes are definitely not funny, and just because a girl is drunk and can’t answer doesn’t mean that’s a chance to take advantage of her. If she isn’t conscious enough to say yes then she most definitely is not conscious enough to say no!

It may not be as common, but a man can definitely be raped, which is often another neglected topic of discussion that can wrongly be seen as “funny”. There was a man in Ohio that called his local police station after being violated and the police laughed at him as though it was impossible for a man to be raped by another man and or a woman. Regrettably, it is common for the victim to blame themselves because other people’s sick behavior has been accepted. A woman should be able to walk alone at night without having the fear a man will force himself on her. A woman should be able to wear whatever she pleases without the fear of being violated in anyway. A woman should definitely be able to go out without any fear of being raped if she has too much to drink. Also, men shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed to get help when they’re raped because it does happen. People should stop making excuses for rape and or slut shaming and look at the bigger picture . Sexism is still a very big cultural issue around the world and how woman are seen not equal to men . Will our kids know how serious this topic is ? will our kids one day be able to compare men to women without any if or buts in it . Will our kids know how to speak out if they are violated ? Hopefully our kids will know different hopefully our generation will be the generation to change how people view this topic and when its brought up in a conversation will we be comfortable and open to discuss.