Top 10 “Staycation” Spots In/Around Norristown
1. Oak St Park : Soak up the sun and watch the new up and coming professional basketball players.
2. Carver Center : Parties, events, and swimming !
3. Pal Center : Here is the perfect place to ball if you don’t want to see anybody from school.
4. Farm Park : Take a breather and take a walk this open area can help relieve your stress.
5. King of Prussia Mall : Retail therapy at the second biggest mall in America!
6. Car Wash on Germantown Pike (across from Walmart) : It may seem unconventional but watching the blue and purple soap swirl around your car can actually be very therapeutic and you’ll leave with a clean car (it’s a win win).
7. Aaron’s Furniture Store (Johnson Hwy) : Go and relax for FREE! The pleasant employees will make your day and give you free water while you try out every bed in the store!
8. Chic-fil-a: Their sound proof play area will give you a break from your annoying siblings and there’s CHEAP FOOD!!!
9. Target (Metroplex) : Haven’t you ever heard of a Target run?
10. 5 Below : Literally the best place to spend your summer! You’ll find something new every time you go and it’s all super cheap!

I'm in the 11th grade here at NAHS. When I'm not I school I'm usually either at work or in my bed napping. In my free time I like to hang out with my friends.