A Push for Gun Control makes Headway

April 4, 2018
Gun Control is a phrase that people use often without understanding its true meanning. According to collinsdictionary.com, “Gun Control” refers to a set of laws that restrict the possession and use of guns. Some people construe this to mean that gun control is to take away rights rather than to protect the well-being of common citizens and.
On February 14th, 2018, Nikolas Cruz, who had mental issues, pulled the fire alarm at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. As everyone made their way out of the high school, Cruz started shooting in the freshman building and people were screeching for everyone to go back inside and hide. Some were left outside injured and majority of the people were in hiding. Cruz made his way into the school and started moving from classroom to classroom firing rounds with an AR-15 rifle. These guns have been used in many other shootings. At the end of the day, that school suffered a loss of 17 people. Since then people in Florida, Virginia and other states made it clear that they were fed up with gun usage and the violence unleashed on ususpecting innocents.
According to www.WNPR.org, students of Marjory Stoneman Douglass took “…their #NeverAgain protest movement to Tallahassee to demand action for more strict gun laws. Thousands of activists marched on the state capitol to pressure lawmakers even as their peers elsewhere in the U.S. staged protests of their own in solidarity.” Many citizens want to change the laws on guns and some stores have been inspired with it, Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods raised the age to purchase guns and ammunition to 21. Dick’s Sporting Goods went a step further to discontinue the sale of any assault-style rifle. (WNPR.org)
People should not have the right to do horrible things. The United States Declaration of Independence declares that all citizens should have access to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The first of these is life and to be careless in preserving it would go against one of our fundamental principles as a nation.