Rotation Records Puts down Roots in Norristown
More stories from Brandon Neely

Norristown can now boast that it is home to Rotation Records who just held their grand opening in Norristown this fall.
This local record company makes music and is active in the community. Owner, Tom Jensen, recalls, how Rotation Records began: “My buddy Joe (co-owner) called me and asked do you want to come and form a company with me and make a studio?” Before all of that, Tom was always around music with him beginning formally in a band called EP Rotation and interning for several studios while in college. When he got Joe’s call he knew he had to take the opportunity.
Citing his learning experiences in college and his personal motivation, Jensen explains that he was ready to take on his own business. Jensen derived the name “Rotation Records” from his time in EP Rotation. He explains, “in one of our songs we say rotation records and it just stuck with me after that.”
A year has passed and Rotation Records is a fully legalized record company. Now, Jensen’s focus has shifted to the community of Norristown. When asked about how his journey with Norristown began he told me, “I posted a Facebook ad saying I was interested in reaching out to Norristown schools.” Rosalie Hattrick, of the Norristown Area School District reached out to Jensen and invited him to one of the schools. Ever since they have collaborated together.
Jensen later found out that Hattrick partners with The Ronald McDonald House, a house for cancer patients and their families while they are getting treatment. This connection lead to one of Jensen’s most prized projects yet. One patient in particular, Amy Hosmer, stood out to Jensen.
Little Amy Hosmer suffers from a brain tumor. Amy and Jensen quickly found they have something in common: a love for music. Speaking of a rough video featuring a little girl singing he received on Facebook, Jensen said “the video was choppy and hard to understand, but I instantly wanted to take on the challenge in making this a song.” That is exactly what he did and even gave brave little Amy a record deal. After that, Jensen reached out to Amy’s idol, Taylor Swift. Even though Amy did not get the chance to meet Swift directly she was sent a signed letter and other items from the pop star.
Later, this story hit major news outlets. Jensen never expected to make headlines by helping out in the community. He stated, “here at Rotation Records we pride ourselves on never expecting handouts or extra attention.” He went on to say, “we pride ourselves mouth to mouth communication and to make a natural bond with our clients.”
Jensen and his partner are looking to grow in the Norristown community. He reiterates his point about person-to-person communication and says, “this is the only beginning for us we want Norristown to be known and were very excited for the future.” Overall, this is an exciting new company who wants to be ingrained in the Norristown community which is rare and welcome.