30 under 18

Jaelynn Bryant, Staff Reporter

As the chaotic year of 2016 has come to a close, Forbes has compiled a list regarding the youth of today. This list assembles influential people, who’re under the age of thirty, that have made some sort of impact throughout the year. While the array of names doesn’t include everyone, the 600 who have been selected are being honored. The names of those nominated were placed into 20 different sectors; The different categories ranged from Social Entrepreneurs to Entertainment, and an abundance of others. “The 2016 class is combining their range of skills in technology, engineering, science and business with their hunger to solve the world’s problem,”(Michela Tindera, Forbes Staff). Since Forbes has arranged a list, NAHS should do the same. Our school is filled various students whose works have placed a positive impact in this community. Students such as Jody Ann Campbell, who has inspired many with her graceful vocals or someone like Anthony McAfee who has taken time to create computers for gaming; The list of students could continue on forever. It’s important to seek out those who continuously represent our school with their knowledge, ambitions, and future desires.