NAHS Students Respond to a Poll on US Politics

In order to evaluate how well versed NAHS students are in today’s national politics, particularly the current Presidential Race going on in the United States, we asked them a few simple questions.  Some questions focused on the personal lives of those involved in the race, while others were more tabloidesque. Overall, 20 students responded to our inquiries and most fared pretty well gauged on our extremely unscientific system of evaluation. When asked to “name four people still running for the Presidential race” and 90% of them were able to name the candidates.

When asked, “Which candidate supposedly ate a booger on live TV?” The majority of students got the answer wrong. Most of the students believed it was Trump among others mentioned by our survey victims. Only five people said the correct answer, which was Ted Cruz.  Considering that most people do not care whether a President eats his or her boogers, but only if he or she runs the country well, 75% of participants getting this item wrong was not truly worrisome.

Next  we posed a question about the state of politics directly: “Which party could be close to division?” 80% of the students got the answer correct saying the Republican Party.VOTE+2016

The last question we asked was of more subjective nature: “If you were stranded on an island, which candidate would you like to be stranded with?” Seventy percent of our small sampling of NAHS students picked Bernie Sanders, 10% said Donald Trump, but for negative reasons. Ten percent said Marco Rubio and the last 10% said they would like to be stranded with a young lady: Benelisse Rosario on the island!

There was an exclusive question for seniors, concerning their eligibility to vote in November.  Firmly exercising their rights to “Rock the Vote”, 100% of our seniors who we interviewed answered yes.

Again this informal survey was in no way scientific.  It was not sponsored, nor endorsed by any party except our own curiosity.  Furthermore, because of scheduling constraints our sampling of respondents was small compared to our school population of around 1700 students.  Still if we were to estimate whether NAHS students are informed citizens concerning the 2016 Presidential Race, we would be inclined to say they are based on the 20 students we interviewed.