Banquet Do’s and Don’ts

Banquet Dos and Donts

Shirell Harrison, Staff Reporter


For the class of 2016 these next five months are packed with big events. Senior banquet is the first on the list. This is the only event where just seniors will be in attendance, some see it as the kickoff to the countdown to graduation. There are some big questions on many people’s minds. One is, what do I wear to senior banquet? Another is, what is considered too dressy and too casual? Here are some key do’s and don’ts:

  • Come well groomed (hair, makeup, etc.)
  • Wear semi professional or formal clothes
  • Wear something comfortable
  • Wear big dresses (save that for prom on May 20th)
  • Wear impossible heels
  • Wear revealing or questionable clothing
  • Come well groomed (haircuts, clean clothes)
  • Wear a belt and actually keep your  pants up
  • Wear something comfortable
  • Wear too many layers as it can get hot
  • Dress like you would for an early Tuesday.
All in all dress like you would for homecoming ladies and gentleman and have fun!