Black Friday Frenzy


Phillip Anderson, Staff Reporter

in the United States, Black Friday is the day that gives people the opportunity to save a lot of money as a kick off to the holiday season. This tradition of shopping-spending-saving mania is one holiday that is not a world wide event.  For example, in Australia “Black Friday” refers to a series of bush fires that wiped out whole towns and killed 71 people (  Furthermore, since Thanksgiving is an American holiday and Black Friday is the day that follows the warm family (and carb) centered feast, it is only natural that the rest of the world does not celebrate as most in the United States do, with numerous credit card swipes, endless parking spot searches, and some early morning camp outs with strangers on cold cement.

Still this “holiday”is one to be cherished.  It is on the is a great holiday when those who are lacking in funds or who are even unemployed can get that prize gift for a loved one without having to give up the family meals for December. The deep discounts offered in the name of “Black Friday” enable consumers to purchase nice things for a smaller price that’s affordable in their budget.

Black Friday comes with a dark side too.  Many will revel in the glory of the deals they can get, but for some the day will be disastrous.  This is all because some people will do anything to get a product. In years past there have been injuries, quarrels, and even deaths resulting from anxious crowds and irrational consumer behavior in the quest to obtain that “perfect gift.”  In recent years, many retailers have chosen to open on Thanksgiving night just to avoid the gathering of crowds and therefore decreasing consumer agitation.

Black Friday is very special to the U.S. economy because they earn more money by lowering prices but racking in more hungry customers that want their products.


Check out the video of previous black Friday craziness!