Should Planned Parenthood Become Goverment Owned


Kayla Compton, Staff reporter

In the recent news, many people have been discussing whether or not Planned Parenthood should be funded by the government. A lot of people think that the government should invest in a company like Planned Parenthood because of the level of attraction it makes towards young people. Recently, teens are getting pregnant more often because of lack of education, inconsistant use of contraception, and pressure from peers. Right now it is not funded by the government, and recent studies show that Planned Parenthood is considered to be very effective in preventing teen pregnancies and helping teens shape their future , sexually and academically. Although today teen pregnancies are not as common as they were in early stages of america or 3rd world countries. The United States government does not want to fund Planned Parenthood because it was never a government based company in the first place. Although the government has funded and invested money in the company before, it was never fully government owned. The supervisors and CEO of Planned Parenthood think that it should be a government owned company because of how much the company invested in themselves has events did it’s a government owned companies. Like the saying a baby is born every eight seconds just as much is that Planned Parenthood prevents exit for unexpected Pregnancies, company that is not abortion prone or for abortion but tries it’s hardest to prevent any baby killing The government doesn’t want to invest in Planned Parenthood simply because of all the other companies to invest in then taxes would have to pay for Planned Parenthood along with all the other things that though United States needs and their taxes pay for. Although each state is different with taxes and certain
things they go to tax taxes pay for a government owned companies and government funded companies. It’s still a major to be in the news weather Planned Parenthood will be government owned or remained it’s own company and government invested and or monitored