John Boehner RESIGNED from Congress


Jennifer Marroquin, Editor in Chief

On Friday September 25, House Speaker, John Boehner, decided to announce his resignation from congress at the end of October during a news conference on Capitol Hill. Boehner said he woke up and decided that morning to announce his decision stating, “Last night I started thinking about this and this morning I woke up and I said my prayers –as I always do– and I decided today’s the day I’m going to do this. As simple as that”.

The speaker explained that he only planned to serve two terms as speaker, but decided to hold on to his position after Eric Cantor, House of Majority leader, lost his seat during a primary last year. After President Barack Obama learned about Boehner’s resignation he had only positive things to say about the speaker.

“We have obviously had a lot of disagreement and politically we’re at different ends of the spectrum. He has always conducted himself with courtesy and civility with me. He has kept his word when he made a commitment. He is somebody who has been gracious. Most importantly he’s somebody who understands that in government and in governance you don’t get 100% of what you want.”

Mr. Boehner became the 53rd speaker of the White House in 2011. He is often known for his hostile confrontations with his own party-republicans and democrats. However, he will surely be missed with many thanks. Howbeit, the next question we are all thinking is, ‘who is going to be the next house speaker’? Many say it will be Republican Kevin McCarthy, but will he be enough to replace John Boehner? That’s for the people to answer.