Top 10 Things Freshman Shouldn’t Do!

Top 10 Things Freshman Shouldnt Do!

Wislynn Chavane, Staff Reporter

Top 10 Things Freshman Should Not Do!!

  1. Skipping Class- Even though the class may seem boring to you, it does not benefit you when you skip class because then you are behind, which hurts your grades and puts yourself in risk of being a freshman once again.
  2. Sleeping in Class- If you sleep in class you miss out on the whole lesson, once it comes to doing the homework you won’t have a clue how to do it.
  3. Walking out of School- When you leave school unauthorized, security will either see you leaving or they’ll see you on the cameras. This will end in a disciplinary action.
  4. Associating with Drama Based Friends- When you are constantly with friends who just care about drama they are bound to pull you into situations that you don’t want any part of. It’s best if you just stay out and focus on your education.
  5. Being Disrespectful to your Teachers- Being disrespectful is not a nice thing to do. It shows you have no manners or any morals. The teachers are here to help you with whatever you need. So it’s best to be nice.
  6. Don’t Bring Drama From Home to School- It won’t help your situation if you bring it to school because more people are bound to get involved and the worse it gets, the harder it is to handle.
  7. Slacking Off- If you’re constantly absent you should go ask your teachers and ask for what you missed, because when you slack off your grades progressively fall.
  8. Don’t Be an Instigator- If an incident occurs don’t be the one to encourage it even more, it would show you like being a part of violence.
  9. Don’t be a Disruption in Class- While others are working hard don’t be that one student who has to bother everyone, it’s annoying.
  10. Don’t be a Child- Don’t be loud in the halls, running, or playing around. You’re not in elementary school anymore. Act right.