New NASD Student-Designed Logo to Symbolize District Progress

January 11, 2019
New superintendent Christopher Dormer is already striking up change within the district, his idea of a positive improvement coming to life.
After speaking to a few of Norristown’s very own high schoolers, Dormer discovered that one of the biggest matters that students wanted to change, besides some very obvious choices, was the image that the NASD has regarding the branding.
One of the things that the high school is known for is it’s trademark eagle logo, but there are numerous versions of this same mascot scattered throughout the different school merchandise, making it difficult to come across the true unity that comes from owning it, not to mention the fact that all of the separate schools within the district have their very own mascot- a creature that they identify with when showing school pride. For example, Whitehall Elementary has its Wildcats, and Eisenhower Middle School has its Panthers.
“When you look at companies, they have a brand,something they’re recognized by,” said Dormer, he then went on the explain the importance of Norristown having a strong branding.
With this upcoming change, the superintendent hopes to bring that sense of unity back, so when students from any school in the district come across someone with this particular logo, they can come together. Because of how far apart and different the schools in the NASD are, it’s easy for students from Roosevelt or even some of the elementary schools to feel excluded, but with this change, Dormer believes that this should progress.
To carry out this agenda, the NASD administration is holding contest in order to allow students to participate in the rebranding process. A designated ‘N’ and specific shade of blue were already chosen, but students have the opportunity to put their artwork to the test by designing the new NASD Eagle. The final copy must be printed out on paper 8 ½ by 11 inches, standard computer paper, to be entered into the contest.
The contest ends next Friday, Jan. 18, and the student vote will take place a week later on Jan. 25. The school board has not yet decided how it will have the vote take place, with ideas suggesting either via social media or some version of in person choosing, but the superintendent is excited for the change that is going to occur.
Flyers were given to the high schools and middle schools and NASDTV aired a commercial on Tuesday to spread the word of the upcoming contest.
The district plans to premier the logo on a brand new website that will be up and running by the end of the month.
“It sounds selfish, but I do hope that this whole thing will show that as the new superintendent, I want to bring a positive to change to the district.” Dormer said. Students, staff, and parents also would like to see such change, and the new student designed logo could be the move to exemplify this.
Mrs. Gaskin • Feb 11, 2019 at 9:40 am
Well written, Christinna! I’m happy to see you shining brightly in high school!
SARAH LONGENECKER • Jan 12, 2019 at 9:25 am
Very nice article, and kudos to Superintendent Dormer for the idea, hopefully this will foster a sense of ownership and pride in students for their wonderful school!