Norristown Celebrates Veterans Day

Veterans Day, November 11th, is a holiday that honors military veterans. In order to celebrate and recognize Veterans Day, the students of Norristown Area High School wrote letters to local retired veterans thanking them for their service and bravery. Students, ninth to twelfth grade wrote thank you letters during some English classes. The letters were sent to a retirement home in Norristown for those who had lost their loved ones or were veterans themselves. Since there were extra letters, the other letters were sent to Philadelphia, Coatesville, and Scranton. The letters touched many hearts. One letter was even written Spanish, that was greatly appreciated by the veteran’s grandson. Another letter was sent to a very ill veteran and tears of appreciation were shed. During this project, students learned to be more grateful and appreciative for those who defended liberties and freedom. They were all given a chance to understand the hardships of the veterans who kept our country safe. The students of Norristown greatly value and respect all of the veterans that helped make our country the one it is today.

I am a senior at Norristown Area High School, and this is my fourth year of school publications. I enjoy taking naps and binge-watching shows. I hope you...