The Looking Glass Wars

February 12, 2015
The Looking Glass Wars: a novel by Frank Beddor, and the first novel in a trilogy of the same name. The novel is a contemporary spin on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, the novel manages to take Carroll’s story and transform it into a magical tale that makes your head spin. The novel takes place in Wonderland, a kingdom of its own right, ruled by imagination and serving as the source of imagination for all worlds. Wonderland is governed by four noble families who take their names for the proverbial deck of cards: the Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, and Clubs. The Hearts are the ruling monarchy of Wonderland with the other three noble families serving as a parliamentary figure. Wonderland is ruled by generations of Queens from the Heart family, due to the fact that the dominant gender in Wonderland is that of females. The Looking Glass Wars, is a novel that any one of any age or gender can read, especially if they enjoy sci-fi or fantasy novels, the trilogy manages to take Carroll’s series and spins it into a unique story that makes one want to read both series, without making it seem as Beddor’s book is simply an unoriginal copy of Carroll’s tale. The Looking Glass Wars manages to transform an old childhood tale into a sci-fi fantasy that slowly with the help of the imagination of the author, rapidly spins into a trilogy that keeps you on your feet and wanting more. So if you’re a fan of Carroll’s tale or just like novels that keep you permanently on the edge of your seat, then I might think about going to your local bookstore and purchasing a copy of The Looking Glass Wars for yourself.