Trump is Here

LaBrea Johnson, Associate Editor

 There are many speculations as to Donald J. Trump’s inauguration for at least the next 4 years. Many still don’t believe he is ready, or even fit to be our POTUS. With his constant twitter rants and meltdowns, it’s only fair to ask the question is Trump really ready for the responsibility of the USA? And most importantly, how did he get this far?

With a net worth of $4.5 billion, Donald Trump started in a 2 story mock tudor where he grew up and went to school until the age of 13. He then dropped out and joined the New York Military Academy. Despite the fact Trump dropped out early, he was accepted and attended The University of Pennsylvania. Also even though Trump repeatedly mentioned that he graduated top of his class, the records don’t show any of that. Along with his lies Trump also gets criticized for his disrespectful antics, which also make people think he’s not ready for office. For example this past November, Trump mocked a disabled reporter on stage in front of millions of people. This really got people thinking “Do I really want him as my president?”. After all now we urged to respect the office.