Coach Milton Inspires New Goals in Track and Field
Coach Milton with members of the female track and field team.
October 21, 2016
The 2016-2017 season marks Coach Milton’s second year as the head coach of Norristown Area High Schools Girls and Boys Track Team. The number of athletes went up by 7 more athletes. Not all stay though because they are unwilling to put in the amount of hard work it takes, and they realize it’s more than simply running.
The athletes who stay improve under Coach Milton’s guidance. He is one of the best things that has happened to the team. Milton takes the time to talk to each team member as an individual to point out strengths and weaknesses. If he is addressing a weakness, he always provides suggestions and tools to overcome it. Also he recognizes all members of the team as unique in their talents and personalities. The team treasures the innovative ways he uses to guide them.
He even introduced the team to positive experiences outside of league meets. For instance in the Spring of 2016 the team participated in the Outdoor New Balance Nationals for the first time. This helped the group see their full potential and let everyone see what they’ve been working so hard for during the season. He pushed each member mentally and physically to achieve the greatest potentials. And for that we left as gold, silver, and bronze medalists in team and individual events.
This year the team expects more from each other. This will be the year! As Coach consistently says, “it’s time to trust [your] training.” Coach Milton is putting all of his time and effort into the success of the team. Team members are committed to their coach and will demonstrate their gratitude on the track and field. They claim they’ll “show out” this year and put town track back on the map.