Poison Study Book Review

May 12, 2016
“Poison Study” by Maria V. Snyder is perfect for readers who are trying to get into fantasy. I have heard many times that people don’t read fantasy because the world is too confusing and complex that they can’t get into it or it just bores them. That is not the case for this book. From the beginning of the novel it was very interesting and instantly hooks reader’s attention. I was so invested in what was going on in the story that when I would take a break, I would find myself thinking about how the story was going to go and thinking about the characters. There really wasn’t a dull moment in the book for me and as a result, I found this to be a really good read. The characters were just so strong and intimidating and I loved that about them, as well as their complexity. Their backgrounds were so interesting and not what I was expecting. I particularly loved the romance and how it was slow burning and not forced. There were a few things that shocked me in this book and that had me pleasantly surprised. I was excited to read more to see what else would come out of nowhere and surprise me. Overall, I thought this was a great book that I would recommend to any fantasy lover and would also suggest listening to the audiobook which made the story even more enjoyable. I’d say go into this book knowing nothing about it, because when I did that I ended up loving it and would highly recommend it.