How To Shop For A Prom Dress

Grace Harvey, Associate Editor

Finding a prom dress can be an intimidating task but good news, it doesn’t have to be. Here are the steps to take in order to make your prom dress search seamless:


  • Go to a store. Online shopping for a prom dress can be tempting but nothing beats going to the store in person. Your body is unique so trying on prom dresses is the best way to find the perfect dress. Choose a store you like and go inside! You’ll be able to see each dress on yourself, which is more practical and also more fun.
  • Plan Ahead. Before you go out to a store make a game plan. Establish a budget with whomever is purchasing the dress and follow it. Before you go make sure you have enough money set aside for whatever you might find. Putting a dress on hold isn’t always an option so be prepared. Check with the store’s return policy before you commit. Researching online can sometimes give you a good idea of your style before you go into a store. If you have a particular color scheme or style you need to follow be sure to know this before you go.
  • Find a shopping partner. Prom dress shoppers always need a second opinion. Bringing a family member or friend makes the experience more fun and can be helpful. However, be careful who you bring. Leave the over opinionated friends at home. You need someone who will help you and maybe even try them on with you. Shopping together with a friend makes it a lot more enjoyable while giving you the second opinion you might need.
  • Have an open mind. Dresses on the hanger look much different when someone’s wearing them. If you’re not sure about a dress, that’s why they make fitting rooms! Try it on because you never know what it will look like on you.
  • Bring back more than one size. If you’re like me your body shape is all over the place. Your body could fit differently in each dress you choose to try on so don’t assume you’re one size across the board. In order to save trips to the fitting room, bring more than one size of each dress back with you. This way if one is too small or too big you have a backup ready.
  • Wear realistic underwear. If you know you’re a strapless dress kind of girl, wear a strapless bra. This makes the process a lot more realistic because you see the dress exactly how it would look on the night of the prom. Neon underwear isn’t the best idea when prom dress shopping because hot pink underwear might not look good under a light colored dress. Plan accordingly.