Why is ABC family changing their name?

Kayla Compton, Staff Reporter

If you had watched ABC annual Christmas specials , they announced that they would be changing their name to ” Free Form” . They have had the name ABC for over 30 years and have come to the final decision of changing it . They no longer want the family feel attached to their channel although it is a Disney owned channel . They want to broaden their audience people they call as ” newcomers” trying to reach our audience as teenagers , they want to represent people going through a certain stage in life not just a certain audience . There’s also the fact that “in five years, Millennial will be less than half of the [advertising] target,” Their main focus is still attracting ages 14-34 , the big questions asked by fan lovers of the channel and the work it produces is ” why the name FreeForm?” . They say it allures the idea of possibilities will deliver ideas, forms of content and ways of interacting with the brand . No need to stress about the fact certain shows might be canceled and or end short every show will remain on the network as you can probably already see. Hopefully this new name will attract some new comers and new people can see their shows are genuine and brings of a lot of vibrant feel to our generation