The Story Of OJ Simpson

January 8, 2016
Twenty years ago the nation watched as Orenthal James Simpson transformed from football celebrity to a murder suspect. O.J. Simpson, or as the football teams calls him “The Juice”, is an American football player, broadcaster, and actor. Simpson had most rushing yards gained in one season, most rushing yards gained in a single game, and most touchdowns scored in a season. The majority of Simpson’s career was spent playing for the Buffalo Bills, though it was with the San Francisco 49ers that he finished his professional football career in 1979.
He has five kids, three with Marguerite White to whom he was married for 11 years until 1979 , along with two by his deceased wife Nicole Brown Simpson. Nicole would often complain to friends of the cheating and beating of Simpson, who didn’t approve of her flirtatious ways with other men. O.J. denied any accusations of hitting her, instead claiming that her injuries came from friendly “wrassling”. Nicole later filed for divorce in 1992.
Prior to the murder of Nicole, Simpson had a remarkable relationship with the LAPD. Officers would even visit his Rockinham mansion and he would attend some LAPD events. LAPD even went as far to let Simpson surrender voluntarily instead of facing the embarrassment of being publicly arrested. When Nicole would call the police because of the domestic violence involving her husband, the police would refuse to charge Simpson with any crime.
Around 1994 in Brentwood, California Mr. Simpson murdered Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman. Nicole was killed at the house where she had been stabbed multiple times in the head and neck with additional wounds on her hands. Later that day O.J. turns himself in, but pleaded not guilty. The criminal trial was done at Los Angeles county superior court in California. The suspicion of his fault came from the blood found on his socks along with the matching bloody gloves that had been found outside Simpson’s home. Addition evidence showed that Simpson had fresh cuts on his left hand on day after the murder. However, Simpson stuck to his alibi that he was in the back hitting golf balls during the time of the murder.
After much drama and valuable evidence, O.J. Simpson, was found not guilty despite American’s belief that he did it. Orenthal James Simpson is currently still living at the age of 68 and remains in the pro football hall of fame.
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