Keystone Scores Are In!

Cassidy Uzdzienski, Staff Reporter


Remember way back in May when NAHS took the stressful but imperative Keystones? Well, we finally have the results and a little feedback on them from our very own vice principal, Mr. Brenner. After having a little chat with him, it appears that our school improved in all three areas this year–go us! In case you didn’t already know, passing all three Keystone Exams–Algebra I, Literature, Biology– is a graduation require the for the students of Pennsylvania.

When asked if he thinks if this requirement will still be in place next year Brenner responds, “I don’t know. Honestly, I have no idea what could happen. The State Legislator has more important things to worry about like the budget. Though, it is a possibly.”

Mr. Brenner  pointed out that NAHS scored the most proficient on the Literature exam and it seems that we did better on the multiple choice questions than the open ended responses, so there is still work to be done.  Even though he is happy with our test scores, he believes that the school could improve even more this year.  Mr. Brenner is confident that with true grit and stamina we can maintain the momentum to persevere, and surpass our achievements of previous years.