March 25th is known as National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day. This day, like many others throughout the year, is used as a chance for people to learn about Cerebral Palsy and all of the challenges that go along with living with a disability.
What is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral Palsy, more commonly known as CP, is defined as a disability caused by a group of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood that permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination. The type of CP that a person has can be classified according to the type of movement affected –spastic, dyskinetic, or ataxic– alongside any other symptoms that a child may present, such as weakness (-paresis) or paralysis (-plegia).
Spastic Cerebral Palsy is the most common form of CP. People diagnosed with this form of CP may experience stiff muscles and/or awkward movements. There are three subforms of spastic CP: Spastic hemiplegia/hemiparesis, spastic diplegia/diparesis, and spastic quadriplegia/quadparesis.
- Spastic hemiplegia/hemiparesis typically affects the limbs on one side of the affected person’s body. Some characteristics include struggles with mobility and balance.
- Spastic diplegia/diaparesis typically causes stiff or tight leg muscles. Since this form of CP is generally more severe than hemiplegia or hemiparesis, most people who have this may need a walker and/or leg braces for additional support.
- Spastic quadriplegia/quadriparesis is the most severe form of spastic CP. People with this form tend to have very stiff limb muscles. It is also very difficult for a person with quadriplegia or quadriparesis to walk, meaning that these people are the most likely to need a wheelchair.
Dyskinetic CP is characterized by involuntary movements of a person’s hands, arms, feet, or legs. People with Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy also have very little control over their facial muscles, which may make them drool a lot or look like they’re in constant pain.
Ataxic CP is characterized by a person’s struggle with balance, depth perception, and coordination. Most people with Ataxic CP struggle with quick or precise voluntary movements.
Common Misconceptions
One of the many reasons why Cerebral Palsy awareness is so important is that there are so many misconceptions surrounding the disability that many people’s knowledge is skewed.
One of the biggest misconceptions that I’ve noticed is that when people are asked to list characteristics, they’d give a list similar to this: Someone who is wheelchair bound, most likely nonverbal, incapable of taking care of themselves, and is overall “weak” or “frail.”
This perception of CP isn’t entirely wrong because there are people with CP who unfortunately have to live with these barriers; however, the perception also isn’t entirely right either because of how limited it is. Cerebral Palsy, like other disabilities, operates on a spectrum. Some people with CP may be heavily impacted, while others may not.
In my case, it affects how I use the right side of my body. Balance, coordination, and certain gross motor skills are challenging for me. However, there are things that my CP doesn’t affect, like my communication skills or intelligence. Something I can’t help but notice is that when I tell people that I’m disabled, they seem shocked. Not by the fact that I have a disability, but rather how “normal” I appear otherwise.
Another common misconception is that Cerebral Palsy is contagious. The main reason why I feel like this misconception holds any kind of footing is people’s need to alienate what they don’t understand.
To explain why this is so wrong, let’s start by defining what makes something contagious: something that’s considered contagious can spread from one person or organism to another with direct or indirect contact. Things that spring to mind are the flu, cold, and whooping cough, among other viruses.
Notice how you can’t fit CP into this definition. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that Cerebral Palsy is the result of a fetal brain not developing as it should.
The second reason is that, as far as I know, nobody who’s been in contact with me has contracted Cerebral Palsy.
Another thing to mention is that CP isn’t hereditary either. That means we can’t inherit it from family. As I just mentioned, Cerebral Palsy is linked to how the brain develops, which is not a genetic factor.
Raising Awareness
Green, to many people, represents nature, harmony, and freshness. To me, it also means youthfulness and hope. These are values we associate with a normal life, so green is the color we wear to show our understanding that Cerebral Palsy is another type of normal. That is why you will see me and others wear green on this day.
Also, when you hear people spread false information or prejudice about what Cerebral Palsy is or is not, say something. It doesn’t need to bring out a fight, just open conversation.
Most importantly, we just need everyone to respect us for who we are, and Cerebral Palsy is just a small part of that.