Spirit Week is Back to Bring NAHS Students Together Virtually
Norristown still plans to bring its famous spirit to school in a virtual Spirit Week and Homecoming event this year.
October 19, 2020
This year has been the year of the unexpected. There isn’t one person in the United States that hasn’t somehow been affected by the pandemic. In Norristown Area High School, the biggest impact for most students has been virtual school. Everyone is stuck at home and unable to see each other.
We lost a large chunk of our high school year to the coronavirus and everything seems to be up in the air. Luckily, Blue & White Society is trying to bring back a sense of normalcy to the student body with a Spirit Week and Homecoming.
“I think it’ll give us more of an at-home feel,” said Cydney Suber, a senior who has been a member of Blue and White Society since her freshman year. “[Blue and White] is trying to get everybody back to that normal feeling.”
Spirit Weeks kicks into gear next week on Monday, Oct. 26, and will run for the entire week.
Monday is “Hat Day” (wear your best hat), Tuesday is “Wear Pink Day” in support of breast cancer awareness, Wednesday is the ever-popular “Wacky Wednesday” (dress in your wackiest outfit), Thursday is “Throwback Thursday” (wear an outfit that reflects a past style), and Friday “Spirit Day,” when you can really show your school spirit by wearing blue and white.
Of course, this will all be done virtually, but it is designed to be a wonderful way to bond and pull the school together during this time of isolation. Homecoming will also be different this year due to the pandemic.
“For our homecoming this year, we decided that we are going to be fully inclusive,” Suber said. “In the past years, it has just been our traditional homecoming King and Queen. But this year we wanted to introduce Homecoming Royalty of all ages.”
Seniors will still be the only grade to have a King and Queen, but every other grade will have Homecoming Royalty to represent their grade this year. Since students haven’t had the chance to get to know people outside of their grade as much as they normally would have, this is a chance for everyone to interact with each other and be a part of Homecoming festivities.
After the ten nominees have been selected, videos made by them will be published for the students to see on NASDtv, beginning the second round of voting. October 28th will be the final day to vote, and the Homecoming Royalty is set to be announced on the final day of Spirit Week, Oct. 3o.
Make sure to check your emails to be on top of the activities Blue & White Society is preparing. At the moment, there are three events in the works: the virtual door decorating contest, a Norristown/Pop culture Kahoot game, and a T-shirt design contest.
The schoolwide Kahoot game will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 10:45 am and the winner will win a special prize!
The T-shirt design contest’s theme is virtual learning and submissions will be opening soon.
Blue & White Society has been hard at work to still create a fun high school experience for everyone during our distance learning. Because meeting together is more difficult now than it has ever been, all of these planning and activities have only come from three meetings. The students in the Blue & White Society are enthusiastic to go to the meetings and plan upcoming events and activities.
“We were a little slow to start off, but now we have our strong little group together of really motivated people,” said Suber. “Literally everyone in the group is all in right now.”
There will be more information coming about these activities and more, so follow the Blue & White Society Instagram, @nahsblueandwhitesociety, which soon will be posting updates and information. Mr. Roth will also have information in his daily emails, so remember to check those every morning as well.