Margret Paramo

Margret Paramo

Born and raised in Norristown PA, Margret Paramo never expected to audition for, let alone become, a host for Mr. Norristown. “It’s my last year and I’ve never done anything like this and in front of the whole school.” A week before the audition, she and her friend, Evelyn Romero, decided they wanted to do something out of their comfort zone.

Paramo is an outgoing and humorous person, and she thinks that those qualities will get the crowd excited to come out and enjoy Mr. Norristown. “I won’t be lame and boring because of the person that I am. I think everyone will love and make Mr. Norristown fun,” Paramo said.

If Paramo was one of the guys and was a contestant in Mr. Norristown, she would perform a mashup of her favorite songs with her favorite TikTok dances. She would also add some of her cultural music into it and dance to the Bachata, which is a type of Latin Dance.

Romero and Paramo both got the script from last year’s Mr. Norristown and wanted to change it to fit both of their own personalities. “We wanted to add some more and change things to make it our own, and we basically had to start over with the script to make it more of our own.”

After she graduates high school, Paramo wants to go to a 4-year college or university but hasn’t committed to anything yet. She has narrowed her choices to either Kutztown University or the University of Arizona. She hopes to major in either Business or Psychology. “If I do go down the Psychology route, I would like to become a school guidance counselor and have my business on the side, whether it’s selling bracelets or food”.

This year’s Mr. Norristown better be marked on your calendar because it is not one to miss. “It’s going to be an exciting show and different from the ones you’ve seen in the past, but you can only determine this if you come out to Mr. Norristown and see it yourself.”

Instagram: margaretsarayyy

Snapchat: margaret_ saray

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