10 Things You Thought You Knew . . .
. . . But Were Totally Wrong About
Did you know these “killer whales” are not actually whales?
April 26, 2019
Were you ever told that the best way to eat a pineapple is by slicing it into chunks or rings? It turns out a lot of people thought that even though it’s inefficient. You should instead cut the top off and proceed to use the outer spikes to peel pieces off of the fruit. People have created entire languages, discovered DNA, and gone on the moon, but eating pineapple in such a way is mind-boggling. There are a lot of ideas that have been passed down between generations that are false on many levels. The following are ten things you thought you knew but were totally wrong about.
1.We Have Five Senses
Senses are specialized functions and mechanisms by which animals receive and respond to external or internal stimuli. The five senses we all know include sight, sound, hearing, taste, and touch. Those five are the basic senses; however, it turns out that a sense can also be defined as how our body receives information. So, technically our skin is a sense organ, and its ability to sense temperature is a sense. Balance, created from a vestibule in your ear, is one as well. We should embrace the almost 20 senses we have and not just the main five.
2. Lead Pencils Used to Have Lead
The story goes that wooden pencils used to have lead, but once kids started to become sick, scientists found the lead to be poisonous. That’s when graphite came around to replace it, but in actuality, wooden pencils never contained lead. The saying of a lead pencil came from a scientific mistake. 1500 English miners found a vast amount of graphite, but because the mineral was so dark and solid, people had classified it as lead, which, like graphite, is heavy, dense, and soft.
3. St Patrick is Irish
St. Patty’s day is a day when people who are Irish or have Irish descent observe the death of St. Patrick, a patron saint of Ireland. The way people portray him is green and bright. St Patrick was actually kidnapped from Great Britain and taken to Ireland. The reason he’s celebrated in Ireland is because he converted to the religious beliefs of Christianity and taught the people of Ireland. To be kidnapped, and still be nice to people… that’s crazy.
4. Camels Store Water In Their Humps
Camels can survive seven days without water, and it’s not because they have this infinite amount of water in their humps. Those lovely lumps are actually made of mounds of fat, which gives them the majority of their energy. A camel’s hump will shrink not because of a lack of water but because of a lack of energy.
5. Killer Whales Are Whales
Killer whalea, or orcas, travel in large groups and wander the Arctic Oceans or off the west coast of Canada and the U.S. But they are not whales. They’re a part of the… dolphin family. Yeah, this gigantic and dangerous predator is related to the cute dolphins many people adore. The killer whale is in the Delphinidae family, which includes two other families, dolphins and porpoises. Then, of course, a killer whale is, well, a dolphin.
6. Chameleons Blend Into Their Surroundings
In cartoons and movies, chameleons are portrayed as blending into their surroundings when they need to hide. Actually, they don’t blend into their surroundings at all. The reason a chameleon changes color is because of the way they feel, which has nothing to do with their surroundings. So, yes that cute chameleon changed color, but you also might have just scared it.
7. Daddy Long Legs Are Venomous
Daddy long legs, those spiders you find in your house that you’re so scared of because they’re highly venomous . . . the all-so-familiar tan ones with the long legs. Daddy long legs are usually harvestmen, but in America, there’s multiple types of spiders that people call daddy long legs. In terms of harvestmen being venomous, they have zero venom in them. Harvestmen are therefore completely harmless to humans.
8. Blood In Your Veins is Blue
Blood is always red. Inside and outside of your veins, blood remains red throughout its entire process. Some people believe that because veins look blue through the skin, the blood inside of them is also blue. The appearance of blue veins is because of the way light penetrates through them. The color of blood only reaches a dark and bright red color, never close to blue.
9. Bats are Blind
Having someone tell you “you’re as blind as a bat,” might not be the worst thing. Bats have exceptional hearing, and it’s well known that a lot of their seeing is done by echolocation. For some reason, the idea of bats having to use their ears to see has created an assumption that they’re also blind. Bats might not be able to go out in broad daylight, but during dusk and dawn, they can probably see better than humans can. Bats can’t see color better, but their overall vision is better.
10. Dinosaurs Are Related to Reptiles
Despite people believing that dinosaurs are a more advanced and overgrown version of a reptile, they are actually more related to birds. Birds are an evolution of dinosaurs, and there’s plenty of scientific research to prove it. Their behavior, the way they lay their eggs, shape and style of most winged dinosaurs are all too similar to birds, not reptiles. To think the cute small birds that most people keep as pets today formally evolved from something so great is scary.
Do your research. Tons of false information has been passed down through the generations, people continue to believe them because it’s never been corrected. It’s not all bad to know the wrong thing because discovering the truth is fun, but it would help if we saved some time and just looked it up. Some information seems inevitable to learn due to what some call a Mandela Effect, while other information is simply just miscommunication.