Eric Henry

Astrological Sign: Leo

Favorite food: Shrimp

Favorite Restaurant: Cheesecake Factory

Last song you listened to: Hanging up my Jersey by PnB Rock

Last TV show you watched in full: House of Cards

Favorite charity/philanthropy/charitable cause: “ALS”

Ideal Saturday afternoon: Usually I serve old people food because that is my obligation. Then, I try to spend as much time possible with my friends.

How do you show your NAHS pride? – I support my friends in sports and at events, speak well about the school in public, and wear blue and white all the time.


NAHS sports and activities: DECA, National Honor Society, Tennis, Interact Club, Student Council, Soccer and Jazz Band.

Other sports and activities outside of NAHS: I have my own Jazz Band

Hobbies: Playing the Saxophone, Eating, and Singing in the shower


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